SS11 the dead of Winter BRRRR!
I've had these pictures sitting in my computer for a couple of months now...since February to be exact, and I guess in the world of blogging that's the biggest no no a blogger can commit! I guess we're all supposed to upload pictures of our food before we've even had a taste, or pictures of an event before we've gotten home. Well unfortunately I'm not like that AND I wasn't allowed to post these pictures up before the ad campaign was released in Hong there, there's my excuse and I think it's pretty good.
I was asked to assist Cheryl Leung of Let them Eat Cake Magazine on two Bauhaus jobs she acquired whilst she was travelling around Hong Kong. The campaigns wont be featuring any where else as they are very local, and came out this SS11, but I thought I'd do a little behind the scenes collection of photos for anyone who was interested. The experience itself was interesting...from what I can recall as I sit facing a sunny display at my window was that February was the coldest month in London by far, and boy did i feel bad for the models. I never realised how hard modelling was until I had to spend 8 hours on a field somewhere out of London dressing blue boys and girls in skimpy little shorts and T-shirts whilst the stylists and photographer expected them to dance around like little monkeys (not literally though). It's a hard knock life- for models.
The second shoot was a little bit easier because we were about a minutes walk away from a coffee shop we hijacked (much to the displeasure of its owner) as our home base. However, coffee shop or not it was still about 4 degrees outside and on top of shivering to death the models had pedestrians leering at them from all along the side of the road..something I would find incredibly off putting whilst trying to look 'cool'.
All in all it was a humbling experience, I learnt how to create a makeshift clothes rail slash changing room in the middle of a road and field, met some interesting characters, and felt glad that I wasn't born with the genes of a supermodel because at the end of the day, I do love being warm.
Thanks to Cheryl and the Bauhaus team for letting me in on their freezing cold stints- it was an EXPERIENCE!
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